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us me you

A member registered Jun 20, 2021

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I still visited the drama club, and made some of the activities like when he asks you to write a love poem.

And you have to write a love letter to someone.

Basically, you do his route, but you sometimes talk to other people like for example Russia instead of Italy.

 when he asks you if you want to see his play, you say you're busy... and you hang out with other countries after rejecting?... That's what I did.  

But be sure the main character says he feels watched.  (He has to be a boy)

If it didn't work I can try to explain better...

P.S: Don't say no to Monik- Italy..

I did an experiment with Italy... John, why did you add a psychotic version of Italy? I'm traumatized.

(Pretty cool game tho)